Family caregiving can take a toll on full-time workers caring for their parents. The high stress of family caregiving frequently results in employees taking extensive time off work, reduced hours, declining promotions or new assignments, or leaving the workforce entirely. This essentially amounts to a hidden second career that likely is concealed from employers. Employees often subsequently suffer from physical and mental health issues. The results are increased healthcare claims, valuable employee turnover costs, and overall loss of productivity which can affect activity across the organization.
Starlight Caregivers is pleased to support your organization with a free employee benefit discount referral program geared toward maintaining and retaining key staff and catering to their well-being. Options include either a straight discount for employee referrals (at no cost to the company/organization) or an employee benefit package where employers cover some or all of the cost for Starlight services (at a larger discount).
Both programs include several free platforms to help educate employees, including on-site presentations at your facility, collateral for your intranet, and a full complement of award-winning web-based family caregiver training tools. Starlight also offers a unique web-based care portal where family can review daily care notes to stay informed no matter if they are traveling for business across the world or simply at the office across town and unable to visit.
Employees will receive a free, no-obligation in-home client assessment which Starlight will use to create a comprehensive custom care plan based on the client’s specific needs. Services provided are all non-medical. If medical care is needed in the home, a doctor will prescribe a nurse or healthcare aide to perform those specific activities, which is usually a short visit, and Starlight manages the care the remainder of the time.
Learn about the services we provide